
Agriculture, the primary sector of Indian economy. It contributes around 18 percent of overall GDP (Gross Domestic Product). More than fifty percent of Indians belong to an agricultural background. There is a necessary to rapidly increase the agriculture production in India due to the vast increasing of population. The significant crop type for most of the people in India is rice but it was one of the crops that has been mostly affected by the cause of diseases in majority of the cases. This results in reduced yield that lead to loss for farmers. The major challenges faced while cultivating the rice crops is getting infected by the diseases due to the various effects that include environmental conditions, pesticides used and natural disasters. Early detection of rice diseases will eventually help farmers to get out from disasters and help in better yield. In this paper, we are proposing a new method of ensembling the transfer learning models to detect the rice plant and classify the diseases using images. Using this model, the three most common rice crop diseases are detected such as Brown spot, Leaf smut and Bacterial leaf blight. Generally, transfer learning uses pre-trained models and gives better accuracy for the image datasets. Also, ensembling of machine learning algorithms (combining two or more ML algorithms) will help in reducing the generalization error and also makes the model more robust. Ensemble learning is becoming trendier as it reduces generalization error as well as makes the model more robust. The ensembling technique that was used in the paper is majority voting. Here we are proposing a novel model that ensembles three transfer learning models which are InceptionV3, MobileNetV2 and DenseNet121 with an accuracy of 96.42%.

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