
Any solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in three-dimensional domains with edges has anisotropic singular behaviour which is treated numerically by using anisotropic finite element meshes. The velocity is approximated by Crouzeix–Raviart (nonconforming 𝒫1) elements and the pressure by piecewise constants. This method is stable for general meshes since the inf-sup condition is satisfied without minimal or maximal angle condition. The existence of solutions to the discrete problems follows. Consistency error estimates for the divergence equation are obtained for anisotropic tensor product meshes. As applications, the consistency error estimate for the Navier–Stokes solution and some discrete Sobolev inequalities are derived on such meshes. These last results provide optimal error estimates in the uniqueness case by the use of appropriately refined anisotropic tensor product meshes, namely, if Ne is the number of elements of the mesh, we prove that the optimal order of convergence h∼ Ne− 1/3.

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