
A novel vertical mixing scheme to describe the influence of the non-breaking surface waves in ocean general circulation models is proposed based on the second-order turbulence closure model and a mathematical relationship fitted between the in situ observations of the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate and the calculated velocity shear module of non-breaking surface waves. The non-breaking-wave-generated turbulence mixing coefficients can be calculated empirically in terms of the wave spectral parameters including ΦSW, K, and ω, where ΦSW is the wave number spectrum of the significant wave height, K is the wave number, ω is the surface wave frequency. The effect of the new mixing scheme on global ocean circulation simulation was tested using the MArine Science and NUmerical Modeling ocean model. The results indicate significant improvement in the upper-ocean temperature structure and the mixed layer depth, i.e., the non-breaking-wave-generated turbulence mixing plays an important role in the upper ocean at high latitudes in summer for both hemispheres compared with traditional Mellor-Yamada 2.5 scheme.

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