
The authors have examined the nomenclatural status of the generic names proposed byF. M. Opiz in his work “Seznam Rostlin Květeny Ceske” (A list of Bohemian plants) and of names which have been regarded in later literature as first published in that book. Many of the generic names proposed byOpiz in his Seznam were not in fact validly published in that book; on the other hand the valid publication of several names is conditioned by various types of indirect indication of an earlier effectively published diagnosis. Of the 80 generic names analysed 36 were validly published byOpiz in various works (not all in the Seznam), but only 13 to 15 are legitimate in the sense of the International Code 1966. The legitimate names are:Cenekia, Ceranthe, Duschekia, Euacer, Jovibarba, Kablikia, Lamiopsis, Liebichia, Plethiosphace, Pseudolysimachion, Spirocarpus, Swida, Weitenwebera and perhapsMargarospermum andNenningia. Of these legitimate names four are considered by the authors as correct i.e.Duschekia, Jovibarba, Pseudolysimachion andSwida; in the Appendix some new combinations with these generic names are proposed. In the text some mistakes concerningOpiz's generic names in Index Kewensis are corrected. For 14 ofOpiz's generic names the lectotypes are seleced. A special notice is given to the nomenclatural problems of the group “Avenastrum”.

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