
Scientific visits to ichthyological collections revealed a potentially new species of Hypostomus from the Rio Tocantins basin. From there, subsequent ichthyological surveys led us to capture the taxon in the upper portion of this basin and address it to the H. punctatus group. Here, we present it as a new species to science. The new species is distinguished from its congeners, except those from the H. punctatus group, by having bicuspid teeth with elliptic medial cusps, moderate keels on the head and flanks, small spots on the body, and caudal peduncle that are long and low. From the H. punctatus group, except H. subcarinatus and H. commersoni, it differs by having extremely small dark spots; from H. subcarinatus, it differs by having a beige-brown dorsal-fin background color versus blue in live specimens; and from H. commersoni, it differs by having a short to moderate dorsal fin versus a long dorsal fin.

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