
The extensive database of published geologic information, structural maps and sections, combined with results of seismic surveys have been used to elaborate a new tectonic model of evolution for both French and German parts of the entire Lorraine-Saar Basin (LSB). In our interpretation the LSB is a thin-skinned asymmetrical parallelogram-shaped pull-apart basin. It has been settled and developed on the basal detachment of the listric Metz Fault within megablock on junction of two overlapping sublatitudinal master wrench faults. Our model implies that styles of sedimentation, further deformation and magmatic patterns in the LSB were governed by interplay of local extension-compression environments resulted from translational and rotational responses of the megablock to multiple dextral-sinistral strike-slip reactivations of master wrench faults. The strata in basin lie within a regional scale domain of present-day tensile stress state where cleat systems should be open and we expect that coal seams here must possess higher permeability and hence higher potential for coalbed methane production.

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