
Abstract Trapanici sanctipetrensis n. sp. is described from the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. The ground colour is translucent white with conspicuous, irregularly spread, black or dark brown flecks. The flecks can form dark patches on the head, dorsum, flanks and tail, and are also present on the rhinophores, the gills, the lateral process, the base of the oral tentacles and the foot corners. The radula is biseriate, and has radular teeth with a wide but relatively short outer denticle. The remaining denticles are much smaller. The labial cuticle has two areas composed of elongate rodlets. A buccal pump is placed dorsally on the buccal mass. The reproductive system has the typical arrangement of the genus. The ampulla is pyriform and elongate. The bursa copulatrix is rounded and the seminal receptacle is also elongate, but smaller than the bursa copulatrix. A comparison between T. sanctipetrensis and the other Atlantic and Mediterranean species of Trapania, as well as new data on uncommon Atlantic species, are presented.

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