
Recently, a new operational quantity Hp(30)water has been proposed to replace Hp(10). This paper describes a new proposed procedure for calibrating personal dosemeters, for X and gamma radiations, in terms of this new quantity Hp(30)water. Compared to the current procedure based on Hp(10), the proposed procedure requires fewer steps and it is easier to implement. Indeed, this new procedure is based on the direct measurement of the quantity of interest, unlike the current one that necessitates the measurement of an intermediate quantity, the air kerma and then the use of conversion coefficients. Some of the advantages of the proposed procedure, such as no need of conversion coefficients to determine the value of the quantity of interest, and no need of additional material to ensure the conditions of electronic equilibrium of the secondary electrons, are highlighted. The feasibility of the proposed procedure is verified. The fluence-to-Hp(30)water conversion coefficients are measured for Cs-137 and Co-60 radiation qualities, and are found in good agreement with those available in the literature.

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