
Data flow acyclic directed graphs (digraph) are widely used to describe the data dependency of mesh-based scientific computing. The parallel execution of such digraphs can approximately depict the flowchart of parallel computing. During the period of parallel execution, vertex priorities are key performance factors. This paper firstly takes the distributed digraph and its resource-constrained parallel scheduling as the vertex priorities model, and then presents a new parallel algorithm for the solution of vertex priorities using the well-known technique of forward---backward iterations. Especially, in each iteration, a more efficient vertex ranking strategy is proposed. In the case of simple digraphs, both theoretical analysis and benchmarks show that the vertex priorities produced by such an algorithm will make the digraph scheduling time converge non-increasingly with the number of iterations. In other cases of non-simple digraphs, benchmarks also show that the new algorithm is superior to many traditional approaches. Embedding the new algorithm into the heuristic framework for the parallel sweeping solution of neutron transport applications, the new vertex priorities improve the performance by 20 % or so while the number of processors scales up from 32 to 2048.

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