
The post partum period also called the puerperium or the fourth trimester is the period following the delivery of the child. It encompasses the 12 weeks after delivery. During this period, mothers facemany challenges due to the need of physicalrecovery fromhormonal and physiological changes. The absence of appropriate and timely postnatal care during this period have dire consequences on both mothers and newborns.Many studies have documented that the use of postnatal care, which has a high prospect for reducing maternal morbidity and mortality, is still suboptimal in Low and Middle income countries such as Morocco. Womens attendance to post partum care visits is low to none in these countries.To improve the quality of post natal care in Morocco, and the quality of life « QOL» of our patients, les Orangers maternity hospital collaborated with the software research team of ENSIAS ( national school of computer science) in Rabat in this pilot project to create a post partum QOL based mobile solution( Mamma&Baby app) to help empower and support women in this critical period in their lives, and consequently reduce the mortality and morbidity rates in this patients category.

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