
A forward genetic screen of mice treated with the mutagen ENU identified a mutant mouse with chronic motor incoordination. This mutant, named Pingu (Pgu), carries a missense mutation, an I402T substitution in the S6 segment of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kcna2. The gene Kcna2 encodes the voltage-gated potassium channel α-subunit Kv1.2, which is abundantly expressed in the large axon terminals of basket cells that make powerful axo-somatic synapses onto Purkinje cells. Patch clamp recordings from cerebellar slices revealed an increased frequency and amplitude of spontaneous GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents and reduced action potential firing frequency in Purkinje cells, suggesting that an increase in GABA release from basket cells is involved in the motor incoordination in Pgu mice. In line with immunochemical analyses showing a significant reduction in the expression of Kv1 channels in the basket cell terminals of Pgu mice, expression of homomeric and heteromeric channels containing the Kv1.2(I402T) α-subunit in cultured CHO cells revealed subtle changes in biophysical properties but a dramatic decrease in the amount of functional Kv1 channels. Pharmacological treatment with acetazolamide or transgenic complementation with wild-type Kcna2 cDNA partially rescued the motor incoordination in Pgu mice. These results suggest that independent of known mutations in Kcna1 encoding Kv1.1, Kcna2 mutations may be important molecular correlates underlying human cerebellar ataxic disease.


  • 32160 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY gated potassium channel subunits Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, respectively, which contribute to the low voltage-activated potassium current IKv1 and are coexpressed in the presynaptic GABAergic pinceaus of spontaneously firing basket cell interneurons that provide a strong inhibitory input to Purkinje cells [5,6,7,8,9]

  • We found that homomeric channels comprised of Kv1.2(I402T) ␣-subunits, expressed in CHO cells, showed subtle changes in their G/Gmax-V relationship and kinetics compared with wild-type homomeric Kv1.2 channels

  • The total expression level of both Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 ␣-subunit protein in Pgu/ϩ and Pgu/Pgu mice was significantly reduced in the cerebellum by ϳ30 and ϳ50%, respectively, which correlates with the degrees of cerebellar ataxia exhibited by these genotypes

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Mice and ENU Mutagenesis

Male C57BL/6J (B6) mice (The Jackson Laboratory) received three intraperitoneal injections of ENU (85 mg/kg) as previ-. Ten weeks after the last ENU injection, the mutagenized males were bred to untreated C3H/HeJ (C3H) female mice (The Jackson Laboratory). A male mouse exhibiting an abnormal gait with splayed hind limbs was discovered and named Pingu (Pgu). This founder male was bred to C3H females, and the resulting G2 progeny were put through the same behavior and appearance screen as their sire. Mice exhibiting the characteristic abnormal gait of the Pgu founder were classified as “affected” and further backcrossed to C3H for four generations (G3-G6) to reduce the B6 proportion of the genetic background and facilitate genetic mapping of the mutation.

Genetic Mapping
Pgu Mutation Screen
Transgenic Complementation of the Pgu Mutation
Western Blotting
Motor Behavioral Tests
Drug Administration
Cloning and Expression in CHO Cells
IPSCs and Larger Miniature IPSCs in
Potential Firing Frequency in Pgu
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