
The aim of the research is to propose a new foundation of the phenomenon of money in the light of a systemic approach to zakatable assets that goes beyond the economic perspective reducing money to an accounting or transactional intermediary of exchange. This new foundation allows future generations of scientists to explore the interaction between man and the living environment and the constructed worlds benefit from the resources offered as needed without exhaustion. The value of things depends on what they represent for each human being within his constructed world. Quality of life is not and cannot be an emergent property of the quantity of money accumulated. This new foundation leads to a break with theories of value by substituting an approach in terms of quality of relationships for those focused on quantities. The study developed a new definition of money as a means of acquittal to fulfill the rights of the Creator and the rights of the creatures. Finally, it raised fundamental questions: who has the right to create money ex nihilo? According to what values? For what mission? And in whose interest? By neutralizing the mainstream economic language via the substitution of the notion of means of acquittal of rights to that of money, the research opens a perspective to invent new forms of inhabiting the Earth, organizing life among humans, and establishing a foundation for cooperative or win-win relationships. The means of acquittal of rights are a common good that should not be privatized to escape the control of human communities through the loan with interest based on money creation ex nihilo. Hence the need to go beyond the juristic conceptualization that conceives money as an auxiliary to the prohibition of riba.

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