
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which combines openness and scalability in a most powerful way. They have the potential to widen participation in higher education. Thus, they contribute to social inclusion, the dissemination of knowledge and pedagogical innovation and also the internationalization of higher education institutions. However, one of the critical elements for a massive open language learning experience to be successful is to empower learners and to facilitate networked learning experiences. In fact, MOOCs are designed for an undefined number of participants thus serving a high heterogeneity of profiles, with diverse learning styles and prior knowledge, and also contexts of participation and diversity of online platforms. Personalization can play a key role in this process. The iMOOC pedagogical model introduced the principle of diversity to MOOC design, allowing for a clear differentiation of learning paths and also virtual environments. In this article the authors present a proposal based on the iMOOC approach for a new framework for personalizing and adapting MOOCs designed in a collaborative, networked pedagogical approach by identifying each participant’s competence profile and prior knowledge as well as the respective mobile communication device used and to generate matching personalized learning. This paper also shows the results obtained in a laboratory environment after an experiment has been performed with a prototype of the framework. It can be observed that creating personalized learning paths is possible and the next step is to test this framework with real experimental groups.


  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a disruptive new development in higher education which combines openness and scalability in a most powerful way

  • MOOCs are so called because they are online courses designed for large number of participants that can be accessed by almost anyone anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection; are open to everyone, since enrolment is free of charge and there are no admission officers or entry qualifications; and offer a full/complete course experience online for free, including social interaction with other learners and limited feedback (McAuley, Stewart, Siemens, & Cormier, 2010; Saltzman, 2014)

  • In this article we present a new framework for personalizing and adapting MOOCs designed in a collaborative, networked pedagogical approach by identifying each participant’s competence profile and prior knowledge, as well as the respective mobile communication device used, in order to generate matching personalized learning sequences, recommending an adequate sequence for the participants to organize their learning paths

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We present the results of the case study. The simulated participants’ profiles to be used are described. Three different profiles are simulated: (1) a participant with no knowledge of the subject, (2) another participant with some knowledge of the subject and (3) a participant with a medium level of knowledge. 3. Participant #3: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1. It is important to note that there is one solution; these are just a possible solution for each participant

Online validation tools PDFCheck Accessibility Egovmon
A Networked learning Framework for Effective MOOC Design
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