
A simple, inexpensive, and accurate method for evaluating and/or auditing sampling and analytical phases of the EPA Source Reference Method 6 was developed. The method uses a known amount of a chemical compound in the form of a tablet or pill (or placed in a capsule) to generate sulfur dioxide quantitatively by reaction with an acid. The reaction takes place in a compact glass impinger system that can be taken to the field. The S02 generated in test runs was collected and analyzed using the Method 6 procedure. The SO2 generation was quantitative and recoveries were found to be 94 ± 5 %. The time to complete the reaction was less than 15 min at a flow rate of 1 L/min, but the recommended sampling time was 45 min. The tablets prepared gravimetrically were found to be stable over a sixmonth period. The interlaboratory results obtained showed close agreement with the expected concentrations based on calculations from the stoichiometric reaction. The estimates of repeatability (or within-laboratory precision) ...

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