
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the vast area and developing very speedily now-a-days. This paper gives some of the major applications and critical limitations of WSNs like power and lifespan, communication bandwidth, memory size. Sensor nodes are working by node energy so the energy consumption is the essential issue in WSN. Routing in WSN consumes more energy than any other phase. Various routing techniques in WSNs are discussed and different routing protocols are illustrated. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is one of the popular and feasible hierarchical clustering routing protocols in WSN. Working of LEACH is explained in brief. Furthermore, the descendants of LEACH e.g. LEACH-C (Centralized LEACH), LEACH-B (Balanced LEACH), LEACH-F, Multihop LEACH, MS-LEACH (Multihop and Single hop LEACH), MH-LEACH etc. are discussed in terms of the energy utilization. By analyzing the variants of LEACH, it is observed that the energy requirement in the cluster set up phase or data transmission phase is minimized to minimize the total energy consumption of the WSN. To elect the proper cluster head node, centralized approach is followed. Afterwards, data transmission will use the multihop communication technique. This will help to save some energy when base station is located far away from the cluster head node. Proposed protocol aims to decrease the energy overhead of the sensor nodes. The new approach is proposed entitled PV-LEACH which will save the energy consumption in cluster setup phase and also in data transmission phase of the conventional LEACH protocol. So, this will enhance the performance ratio in terms of energy consumption and life time of the sensor nodes.

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