
Estimations of mineral resources and ore reserves have been recently widely used by mining engineers and investors. The classification framework based on the prepared code by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of Australia (JORC code), which is one of the international standards for mineral resource and ore reserve reporting, provides a template system that conforms to international society requirements. Recent research has shown that an existing fault risk can affect the mineral resource and ore reserve estimation. According to this research, the faulted area that is involved in the effect on the estimated region is so extensive that it is not distinguishable. In this research, a new method called FGT (F for fault, G for grade and T for thickness) is introduced and presented for the estimation of mineral resources. The proposed method can provide an error map of a particular aspect of the combination of coal accumulation (G), fault risk (F) and thickness (T), and its output would categorise the mineral resources. This method was implemented in the Parvadeh Ш coal deposit, which is located in the eastern portion of Central Iran. The deposit contains five seams named B1, B2, C1, C2 and D; of these, C1 was selected as the most important seam in the exploratory grid analysis. Thus, C1 alone can reflect the properties of the Parvadeh Ш deposit. In this study, we compared the conventional method and the FGT method. This comparison indicated that the areas that should be rejected from the region in the FGT method are less and more distinguishable than those determined with the conventional method. Therefore, the inferred resources can be completely differentiated from the indicated and measured resources with a high resolution. The conventional method cannot distinguish between these three categories at this level of resolution. Therefore, the FGT approach has high precision in classifying the coal resource compared to the conventional method.

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