
Since the publication of my 1 article on tubal patency, a number of requests have been received for the apparatus used in performing the test. The apparatus described in that paper was especially assembled for me by Mr. Joseph Becker. 2 It embodied all the features necessary to carry out a scientific tubal insufflation but had the disadvantage of being cumbersome. The present apparatus, which was recently completed, is much more convenient and compact and is encased in a portable handbag. The accompanying illustration shows the apparatus removed from its container. A is the kymographic drum; B , the spring motor; C , the mercury manometer with float ( D ) and ink writing pen ( E ); F , the glass siphonmeter with two stopcocks ( G ), closed, to prevent the solution from spilling when the apparatus is carried in the horizontal position in its case; H , the carbon dioxide cylinder; I , the pressure reducing valve

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