
Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in a decision making (DM) problem, fuzzy elements are appropriate whenever the decision maker is uncertain about the value of his/her evaluation of the relative importance of the elements in question, i.e., criteria and/or alternatives. The method, often called the fuzzy AHP, is also used when aggregating crisp pairwise comparisons of a group of decision makers in the group DM problem. In this paper, the DM problem is formulated in a general setting using pairwise comparisons matrices with elements from an Abelian linearly ordered group (alo-group). Such an approach enables extensions of traditional multiplicative, additive, or fuzzy approaches. Here, we propose some desirable properties (consistency, coherency, and intensity) of priority vectors, and derive sufficient conditions for the existence of priority vectors with those properties. In general, the most popular methods for deriving the priority vector – the Eigenvector Method and the Geometric Mean Method – do not always provide priority vectors having these desirable properties. Here, we formulate a new solution algorithm for deriving the priority vector based on a specific optimization problem satisfying the desirable properties under appropriate assumptions. Two illustrating examples of the algorithm are presented and discussed.

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