The Eye2Sky network is a measurement network in north-western Germany consisting of multiple all-sky imagers (ASI), meteorological and solar irradiance measurements. The network provides high temporal and spatial resolution data for meteorological and especially solar energy related applications. With increasing photovoltaic (PV) capacity in electrical grids fluctuations in solar irradiance due to changing cloud cover may have adverse effects on the grid stability. Within Eye2Sky, new technologies and methodologies facing the demand for more accurate solar irradiance forecasts are being developed. The ASIs used in Eye2Sky record 180° field of view hemispherical sky images from fish-eye lensed cameras. Accompanied with local measurements of solar irradiance components (global, direct and diffuse) a very short-term forecast of the solar resource is possible. These nowcasts provide minutely updated information up to 20 minutes ahead with 1-minute temporal and 50 m x 50 m spatial resolution. This approach shows more precise forecasting results for the next minutes ahead compared to traditional and less detailed methods based on satellite or numerical weather prediction models. In the network, multiple ASIs are used to enlarge the spatial coverage and the forecast horizon requested by many applications. Moreover, the forecast error can be reduced with a network of cameras. In this article, the Eye2Sky network, its research results and applications are introduced.
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