
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) demand for secure communication is challenging due to its limited resource constraints. Hence, this research developed an effective distributed DOA estimation model through Direction Optimization Integrated Ranking Voting (DOIRV) to improve the performance of WSNs. The developed model comprises the multi-objective optimization model with the Whale technique for the WSN. The constructed DOIRV model uses objective function estimation with branch-and-bound for effective data transmission. The developed DOIRV model uses the Artificial Intelligence-based machine learning model for the DOA routing path computation and estimation. Finally, the DOIRV estimation is evaluated for the performance analysis with the consideration of the Cramer-Rao analysis for the data transmission in the WSN model. Simulation results stated that the proposed weighted technique significantly improves the network performance such as packet delivery ratio, throughput, and network delay. Analysis of the technique expressed that the proposed DOIRV technique exhibits effective performance rather than the conventional technique in terms of network delay, throughput, and packet delivery ratio. The comparative analysis stated that the performance of the proposed DOIRV model is ~13% higher than the conventional technique in terms of packet delivery ratio and ~18% higher for the throughput.

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