
Problems related to the management of construction projects are addressed in many studies. Falling behind schedule and being over budget are examples of bad results, due to the uncertainties and the dynamic environment of the construction process. This study proposes a decision model for helping project managers to focus on the main tasks of a project network during the life cycle of a project based on a MCDA (multiple criteria decision analysis) method. The model assigns priorities classes to activities in project management, taking into account several points of view. The model is based on the ELECTRE TRI-C method, which permits activities to be assigned to categories. As the environment is very dynamic, the model was built taking into consideration changes that may occur while a project is being carried out, and therefore the model must be reassessed during the project life cycle. Furthermore, the model supports a decision making environment where responsibilities are distributed amongst project team members and it brings the benefit of developing disciplines that lead to the team’s greater effectiveness. An application of the model, based on a realistic situation, is presented in the context of a construction project in order to demonstrate the use of the model. The results show that by using the model, managers can improve their performance with regard to controlling project activities.

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