
To validate a new system of continuous cardiac output monitoring. Multicenter, prospective, nonrandomized clinical study. Four university hospitals. Forty-seven adult intensive care unit patients. Pulmonary artery catheterization. Continuous and bolus cardiac output measurements were obtained over 72 hrs. The 327 continuous cardiac output measurements compared favorably with bolus cardiac output measurements (bias = 0.12 L/min, precision = +/-0.84). The continuous cardiac measurement was not adversely affected by temperatures of <37 degrees C or >38 degrees C, high (>7.5 L/min) or low (<4.5 L/min) cardiac output values, or duration (72 hrs) of the study. This continuous cardiac output system provides a reliable estimate of cardiac output for clinical use if applied in conditions similar to this study. The combination of a continuous measure of cardiac output with other continuous physiologic monitoring (arterial and mixed venous oxygen saturation, oxygen consumption, etc.) may provide important information that no single parameter could achieve.

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