
The latest evolution of wireless communications enables user access rich Virtual Reality (VR) services via the Internet, including while on the move. However, providing a premium immersive experience for massive number of concurrent users with various device configurations is a significant challenge due to the ultra-high data rate and ultra-low delay requirements of live VR services. This paper introduces an innovative multi-user cost-efficient crowd-assisted delivery and computing (MEC-DC) framework, which leverages mobile edge computing and end-user resources to support high performance VR content delivery over 5G-and-beyond heterogeneous networks (5G-HetNets). The proposed MEC-DC framework is based on three main solutions. First is a novel buffer-nadir-based multicast (BNM) mechanism for VR transmissions over 5G-HetNets. BNM ensures smooth and synchronized user viewing experience by maximizing the average playback buffer-nadir of all participants with stochastic optimization. Second and third are practical distributed algorithms: the cost-efficient multicast-aware transcoding offloading (MATO) and crowd-assisted delivery algorithm (CAD) which optimize jointly multicast delivery and video transcoding. The algorithms optimality and complexity were investigated. The proposed MATO-CAD solution was evaluated with real datasets, trace-driven numerical simulations, and prototype-based experiments. The trace-driven experimental results showed how the proposed solution provides 18% throughput improvement, lowest delay and best playback freeze ratio in comparison with three other state-of-the-art solutions.

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