
This paper presents a robust true motion estimation algorithm, designated as MPMVP (Multi-pass and Motion Vector Propagation), to enhance the accuracy of the motion vector fields in frame rate up-conversion applications. The MPMVP uses a multi-pass scheme to progressively refine approximate motion vectors to true motion vectors based upon the motion information acquired in previous passes. The multi-pass motion estimation process uses a large block size to detect the motion vectors within the objects themselves and small block sizes to detect the motion vectors along the object boundaries. Actually, the block size is progressively reduced during the search process. When the motion vector of a block is considered to be sufficiently accurate for motion estimation purposes, the block is said to be converged and the local motion vector search process terminates. A novel technique, referred to as motion vector propagation, is then applied to propagate the motion vector of the converged block to its neighboring blocks. This technique not only ensures that neighboring motion vectors within the same object have a high degree of spatial correlation, but also accelerates the convergence of the motion vectors in the neighboring blocks and therefore reduces the overall computational time and expense of the multi-pass motion vector search procedure. A novel distortion criterion is proposed to enhance the tolerance of the traditional sum-of-absolute-difference measurement technique applied in the motion estimation scheme to noise and shadow effects. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed true motion estimation algorithm outperforms the traditional full search, 3DRS and TCSBP algorithms in terms of both the smoothness of the generated motion vector fields and the visual quality of the up-converted frames.

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