
In this study, 80 turkey skulls (40 females and 40 males) were used. Turkeys slaughtered at the age of 128 days. The females had an average weight of 11.5 kg and the males had 19 kg. We measured 14 features and determined 6 indices on the skulls of turkeys. Our study focused on morphometric differences and comparison of determined features of those skulls for males and female turkeys. Correlations between all features and indices of the skulls were examined for each male and female group, separately. All morphometric measurements were significantlyhigher in male group. All indices except skull index and foramen magnum index were significantly higher in female group. These measurements showed that males have bigger skulls. Cranial index, facial index, index 1 and index 2 showed that males have narrower and longer skulls while the females have smaller and wider. According to foramen magnum index, foramen magnum of turkeys is slightly vertical oval. Also, ratio of skull length and width is similar for both sexes. This study is the morphometric evaluation of the skull in turkeys. Therefore, this study will lead to further studies on turkeys and other bird species.

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