
Addressing the limitation of existing image dehazing algorithms based on atmospheric scattering models, which often overlook the underlying physical causes of color distortion in hazy images, resulting in suboptimal algorithm robustness and image clarity when faced with varying levels of haze pollution, this study introduces a refined atmospheric scattering model. It also presents a haze image clarity algorithm based on this modified atmospheric scattering model by analyzing the fundamental factors contributing to image degradation and distortion caused by haze. Initially, the hazy image undergoes conversion to a new HSI color space. The hazy image is aligned more closely with human visual perception characteristics by implementing an adaptive saturation enhancement technique and adjusting contribution coefficients for the three RGB channels to the luminance component. Subsequently, the hazy image is partitioned into dense haze and non-dense haze regions based on haze distribution characteristics within the image. A global light intensity computation method is devised for the hazy image utilizing a quad-tree segmentation algorithm. Following this, calculations are performed to determine the atmospheric light value and transmittance for dense and non-dense haze regions separately. The global atmospheric light and transmittance values are then derived based on the probability density function of the dense haze region using Alpha Fusion. Finally, corrections are applied to the global atmospheric light values using an atmospheric light correction vector, while denoising the global transmittance is achieved through a fast non-local mean filtering algorithm. Experimental findings demonstrate that the proposed haze image clarity algorithm, grounded in the modified atmospheric scattering model, exhibits adaptability across various degrees and types of haze images. Comparative analysis against other prominent image dehazing algorithms reveals its efficacy in addressing severe color distortion in dense haze scenarios, achieving a more natural clarity effect, and showcasing superior performance across all numerical evaluation metrics.

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