
Refactoring is applied to the software artifacts so as to improve its internal structure, while preserving its external behavior. Refactoring is an uncertain process and it is difficult to give some units for measurement. The amount to refactoring that can be applied to the source-code depends upon the skills of the developer. In this research, we have perceived refactoring as a quantified object on an ordinal scale of measurement. We have a proposed a model for determining the degree of refactoring opportunities in the given source-code. The model is applied on the three projects collected from a company. UML diagrams are drawn for each project. The values for source-code metrics, that are useful in determining the quality of code, are calculated for each UML of the projects. Based on the nominal values of metrics, each relevant UML is represented on an ordinal scale. A machine learning tool, weka, is used to analyze the dataset, imported in the form of arff file, produced by the three projects.

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