
The purpose of research is increasing the speed of procedures for determining the data source in the block coupling mode, due to the analysis of the dynamic list structure of messages formed in the receiver's memory as a result of intermediate calculations.Methods. The model of forming a dynamic list structure is based on the hardware implementation of the method of limiting the set of data blocks processed by the receiver. The data package includes a special service word, the contents of which are checked for falling into the range of values formed by the receiver when each data block is received. The described restriction reduces the number of typical comparison operations of service words performed when determining the source of messages, and also reduces the likelihood of errors in determining the data source.Results. Based on the model of the formation of a dynamic tree-like list structure, distributions of a priori probabilities of the number of nodes of a certain level are obtained in case of errors in determining the data source and without them. This allows us to obtain significant a posteriori error probabilities depending on the observed number of nodes of a certain level. The criteria for making a decision on the error of determining the source based on the calculation of the number of nodes before the complete completion of the formation of the tree structure and before the stage of its analysis are formulated. This reduces the computational complexity of the procedure for determining the data source in the block coupling mode and reduces the memory costs for storing intermediate results.Conclusion. In the course of the study, it was revealed that for sequences of messages with a length of more than 20, the detection of more than 8 extraneous branches of the dynamic list structure being formed allows us to state with a 90% probability that the procedure for determining the source ended in an error. The refusal to transmit subsequent sequence messages and to perform processing operations of the tree structure allows to increase the speed of the procedure for determining the source of messages and reduce its computational complexity.

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