
Intra-household interactions constitute an important aspect in modeling activity and travel-related decisions. Recognition of this importance has recently produced a growing body of research on various aspects of modeling intra-household interactions and group decision-making mechanisms as well as first attempts to incorporate intra-household interactions in regional travel demand models. The previously published research works were mostly focused on time allocation aspect and less on generation of activity episodes, trips, and travel tours that are necessary units for compatibility with regional travel demand models. Also, most of the approaches were limited to household heads only and did not consider explicitly the other household members as acting agents in the intra-household decision making. A model is proposed for joint choice of daily activity pattern (DAP) types for all household members that explicitly takes into account added group-wise utilities of joint participation in the same activity. The model is based on the aggregate description of individual DAP types by three main categories – mandatory travel pattern, non-mandatory travel pattern, and at-home pattern. Important intra-household interactions can be captured already at this aggregate level. A choice structure considers all possible combinations of DAPs of all household members as alternatives. Utility function of each alternative includes components corresponding to each individual DAP type as well as group-wise interaction terms that correspond to joint choice of the same pattern by several household members. Statistical analysis of intra-household interactions and estimation results of the choice model are presented. The model estimation has confirmed a strong added utility of joint choice of the same pattern for such person types as non-worker or part time worker in combination with child, two retired persons, two children, and others. The proposed model represents a part of the advanced regional model system being developed for the Atlanta Regional Commission.

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