
The pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLO) of animal origin require tissues or body fluids for growth (Edward, 1954). Minced chicken embryos also provide substances capable of supporting growth of PPLO (Nelson, 1939; Lecce, Stinebring and Morton, 1953).It is the purpose of this note to describe a simplified medium composed of readily available ingredients for the cultivation of PPLO of animal origin. The medium has the following composition: Phenol Red Broth Base (Difco) 1.6 percentYeast Hydrolysate (Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation) 1.0 percentGlucose 0.5 percentMaltose 0.5 percentThallium Acetate 0.025 percentThe above basal medium was autoclaved and adjusted to pH 7.8 with: 0.1 N sodium hydroxide Minced Chicken Embryos (Heated for 3 min. at 100°C.) 1.0 percentPenicillin (Added aseptically) 1000 units/ml.The basal medium was prepared in 100 ml. quantities and autoclaved for not more than 10 min. at 121°C. Minced embryos were obtained by macerating 7-day-old whole washed …

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