
In the Indonesian National Occupational Competency Standards (SKKNI), performance indicators are not described in detail, where performance indicators are important measures for assessing performance achievements. Due to this gap, the researchers intend to propose a method to develop performance indicators based on performance criteria of the Indonesian National Occupational Competency Standards (SKKNI) for the Construction Safety Technician positions. The competency unit to be developed for its performance indicators was the Competency Unit “Hazard Identification and Risk Control”. The researchers propose a method to develop the performance indicators based on the performance criteria of Indonesian National Occupational Competency Standards (SKKNI) for Construction Safety Technician competency. The method was based on competency levels in Bloom’s taxonomy theory which was combined with a functional analysis theory. This method resulted in performance indicators for each performance criterion in three competency domains. By testing the performance indicators Construction Safety Professional and Human Resource Management Professional and also conforming to expert judgments, the results of compiled performance indicators are able to assess any performance achievements of each performance criterion.

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