
We can hear sweet and touching music in our daily life. We like listening to music because music can affect our emotions. Dynamic music makes us very excited. When we are sad, hearing beautiful music can make us happy. In physiology, music affects many physiological processes. It can inhibit fatigue and affect pulse, respiratory rate, and blood pressure level. “Listening music helps improve mood.” Although the pursuit of personal happiness is likely to be considered a self-centered adventure, research shows that happiness is positively correlated with socially beneficial behavior, better health, higher income, and better interpersonal relationships. Another reason why we like music and music can be used very effectively for various therapeutic goals is that music is used in many ways in our society. When a group of people come together to sing a chorus or engage in musical activities, concerts establish new ties between people and make them closer. People grow up listening to lullabies from birth. When they die, they end their lives with funeral music (songs). It may be said that one’s life begins with music and ends with music. Through music, we sing about social phenomena, express ourselves, and communicate with others. The themes and hidden contents that the music production society is unwilling to express publicly are not limited by any judgment. It should be noted that the functions of the above music are flexibly applied according to personal conditions, rather than being classified and limited by functions.

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