
Background. Rapeseed oil is the main source of production biofuels in the Polish climatic conditions. This oil in the raw state has a high kinematic viscosity, much higher than the esters derived from it RME. Such a property rapeseed oil generates additional costs during its transport in industrial hydraulic systems. The goal of study was to develop a technology to reduce the viscosity of rapeseed oil by heating it before further pumping between the tanks. Material and methods. The research was raw rapeseed oil prior to transesterification. The simulation tests in the laboratory were performed on a specially designed test bench for testing the properties of a viscous liquid having a volume of 5 liter tank. The oil is heated heater at 5°C temperature range 20¸80°C and determined the cost of its heating HC, the costs of pumping PC, making up the total cost of transport TC. Then the analytical method and graphical establish optimum temperature rapeseed oil during transport in pipelines. Results. Heating the fresh rapeseed oil temperature from 20°C to 80°C causes a significant reduction in the kinematic viscosity from 62 to 10 mm2·s-1. In this temperature range, the cost of oil heating grow faster than the benefits of a lower load the electric motor driving the pump. Conclusions. In the case of small volumes of liquid heating method proposed rapeseed oil preparation tank in order to reduce its viscosity without any recognizable economic benefits. Mathematical analysis showed that the total costs were the smallest in the lower temperature range studied (here To = 20°C). Yet, the method can become profitable for large flows and low temperatures of hydraulic installations operation e.g. in the winter season when a oil puts up a meaningful resistance of flow. This requires further research conducted on an industrial scale.

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