
Relevance. The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely, to ophthalmology, and can be used for medicamentous correction of the corneal state of patients after chemical and thermal burns of the first and second degree in the course of immediate emergency care and further combined therapy. Goal. Determine the effect of the irrigation system on the process of repair in the cornea, with chemical and thermal burns of the first or second degree. Materials and methods of research. After the first or second degree burn, the thickness of the cornea, the type of refraction and the degree of its change, the condition of the corneal layers, the number of endothelial cells, and the coloring of the cornea with vital dyes are evaluated. Based on the obtained indicators, the irrigation system is selected in combination therapy. The method provides detection of hidden corneal lesions in patients after first or second degree burns, which affects the time and nature of emergency care and the choice of irrigation system for combination therapy. The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely, to ophthalmology. Results of the study. The overwhelming majority of burns received (84%) are chemical burns, thermal burns account for 16% of eye burns. Men are more likely to get chemical burns compared to women (58.4% in the ratio of 41.6%). The average age of the victims, according to a retrospective analysis of 33.6 years. Up to 23% of them are cases of bilateral visual impairment. Despite the improvement of methods of conservative and surgical treatment of eye burns, 40% of the victims become invalids. Among them, mainly people of young, working age. Conclusion. An underestimated condition of patients on the background of the transferred trauma, absence of timely rendered ophthalmologic help significantly increases the risk of complications and the rehabilitation period of patients. Immediate, abundant and directional rinsing prevents further damage to the eyes in two ways. First, this dilution and removal of the damaging agent, and secondly, more importantly, its neutralization. All irrigation solutions that are currently used in ophthalmology meet the standards for cleaning the eye surface. Key words: Irrigation system, emergency care, chemical burns, thermal burns

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