
The rapid development of internet technology has enabled organizations to implement flexible work arrangements (FWA) on a large scale. The COVID-19 global pandemic has further intensified this trend, making FWA a vital aspect of HRM to maintain organizational operations. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the causes of FWA utilization and implement effective strategies to achieve optimal outcomes. We propose a framework for FWA utilization antecedents based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model and test it using meta-analysis. Drawing on 104 studies (108 independent samples) with 1,034,603 participants, we examine the relationship between FWA utilization and its job-related antecedents. Our findings generally support the expected relationships across two categories of FWA antecedents, namely job resources and job demands. We also identify demographics and masculinity/femininity culture as moderators that influence these relationships. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications to guide HR managers in developing effective FWA strategies that meet the needs of both employees and organizations.

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