
The accurate and stable simulation of viscoelastic flows remains a significant computational challenge, exacerbated for flows in non-trivial and practical geometries. Here we present a new high-order meshless approach with variable resolution for the solution of viscoelastic flows across a range of Weissenberg numbers. Based on the Local Anisotropic Basis Function Method (LABFM) of King et al. (2020), highly accurate viscoelastic flow solutions are found using Oldroyd B and PPT models for a range of two dimensional problems — including Kolmogorov flow, planar Poiseulle flow, and flow in a representative porous media geometry. Convergence rates up to 9th order are shown. Three treatments for the conformation tensor evolution are investigated for use in this new high-order meshless context (direct integration, Cholesky decomposition, and log-conformation), with log-conformation providing consistently stable solutions across test cases, and direct integration yielding better accuracy for simpler unidirectional flows. The final test considers symmetry breaking in the porous media flow at moderate Weissenberg number, as a precursor to a future study of fully 3D high-fidelity simulations of elastic flow instabilities in complex geometries. The results herein demonstrate the potential of a viscoelastic flow solver that is both high-order (for accuracy) and meshless (for straightforward discretisation of non-trivial geometries including variable resolution). In the near-term, extension of this approach to three dimensional solutions promises to yield important insights into a range of viscoelastic flow problems, and especially the fundamental challenge of understanding elastic instabilities in practical settings.

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