
The subject of the study is the updated Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS) of all levels of general education. The object of the study is the formation of a unified educational space in the Russian Federation, one of the leading instruments of which is the Federal State Educational Standard. The study presents a detailed analysis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the results of the development of basic educational programs. Special attention is paid to the professional competencies of the teacher, which determine the possibility of forming results within the framework of subject-based learning. The study was carried out on the basis of a meaningful analysis of updated FGOS and other regulatory documents, statistical analysis of FGOS of different generations, monitoring studies of professional competencies of teachers. Based on the conducted research, a number of conclusions were made. It is revealed that the leading update of the Federal State Educational Standard is the concretized and systematized requirements for personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the basic educational programs, which are holistically presented in relation to training and upbringing and formulated in an activity form. It is shown that the updated FGOS answer the systemic questions "what to teach?", "how to teach?", "why to teach?", i.e. they have an applied nature. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard set the framework of requirements for the professional competencies of a teacher – subject, methodological, personal. The study revealed the deficits of professional competencies, the leading of which is the willingness and ability to carry out professional activities on the basis of a system–activity approach, which acts as a system-forming condition for the implementation of requirements for learning outcomes. The scope of application of the research results is to determine the directions of professional development of teachers in the context of changes in the regulatory framework.

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