
The article notes the problem of professional competence of the future music art teacher, his intellectual characteristics of the future specialist, combining the level of necessary artistic, aesthetic, musical and pedagogical knowledge, skills, skills, abilities, professionally important qualities for the effective performance of professional activities, which with sufficient motivation provide self-realization and self-improvement of the personality of a teacher of musical art, in the process of professional activity. Analyzing the approaches of different scientists to the study of the concept of “professional competence” and taking into account the specifics of musical activity as a science and as a subject, in the structure of professional competence of the future teacher of musical art, it is possible to determine the following components, each of which corresponds to certain competences: educational and cognitive (general professional, generally professional and generally psychologic competencies, motivational and communicative competence); professional (artistic and aesthetic competence, pedagogical skills, personal qualities necessary for teaching subjects of artistic and aesthetic cycle). The term “competence” indicates the correspondence of a real and necessary specialist in the personality, the degree of appropriation by the personality of the content of competencies, that is, first of all, a qualitative indicator. At the same time, competence can characterize the mastery of the individual not one, but several competencies, in particular, professional competence can be determined as mastering by a specialist by all professional competencies. The main levels of professional competence of the subject of activity are the result of training, professional training, professional experience and professionalism. Professional competence of the teacher may be considered as a kind of response to the problematic situation in education, which arose from the contradiction between the need to ensure modern quality and the inability to solve this task in the traditional way by further increasing the amount of information to be learned by the students.


  • Проблема підвищення рівня професійної компетентності майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва, здатного вільно й активно мислити, моделювати навчально-виховний процес, самостійно генерувати, втілювати нові ідеї й технології навчання й виховання, є актуальною в сучасних соціально-економічних умовах [5, с. 31]

  • The article notes the problem of professional competence of the future music art teacher, his intellectual characteristics of the future specialist, combining the level of necessary artistic, aesthetic, musical and pedagogical knowledge, skills, skills, abilities, professionally important qualities for the effective performance of professional activities, which with sufficient motivation provide self-realization and self-improvement of the personality of a teacher of musical art, in the process of professional activity

  • Analyzing the approaches of different scientists to the study of the concept of “professional competence” and taking into account the specifics of musical activity as a science and as a subject, in the structure of professional competence of the future teacher of musical art, it is possible to determine the following components, each of which corresponds to certain competences: educational and cognitive; professional

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Проблема підвищення рівня професійної компетентності майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва, здатного вільно й активно мислити, моделювати навчально-виховний процес, самостійно генерувати, втілювати нові ідеї й технології навчання й виховання, є актуальною в сучасних соціально-економічних умовах [5, с. 31]. The article notes the problem of professional competence of the future music art teacher, his intellectual characteristics of the future specialist, combining the level of necessary artistic, aesthetic, musical and pedagogical knowledge, skills, skills, abilities, professionally important qualities for the effective performance of professional activities, which with sufficient motivation provide self-realization and self-improvement of the personality of a teacher of musical art, in the process of professional activity.

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