
This work surveys the use of directed weighted graphs in conducting comparative static analyses. The paper discusses the implementation of a computer-aided process for building spreadsheet-based graph models for inter- and intra-regional financial flows. The graph-theoretic techniques are programmed to enable the interactive visualization and analysis of financial data using Wolfram technologies (i.e., Mathematica software v. 11.3 or later, Wolfram player v. 12 or later). The paper describes the workflow for several interactive visualizations applicable to financial networks. The author provides four programs, written in the Wolfram language, that customize input–output financial models by combining the Manipulate command with built-in Mathematica functions and functions of the IGraph package (IGraph/M). The study is a tutorial article for the generation of a suite of visual schemes that provide patterns, practices, and roadmaps of the financial markets across the globe.

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