
This paper presents a novel 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) design by cascading simple 1-bit ALUs using metal–oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and FinFET technologies while incorporating adiabatic switching principle. Analyses are carried out at 32 nm Berkley predictive technology module (PTM). The paper has employed popular standard adiabatic logic families– such as quasi-static energy recovery logic (QSERL), two phase drive adiabatic dynamic complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) logic (2PADCL), adiabatic dynamic CMOS logic (ADCL), and two phase clocked adiabatic static CMOS logic (2PASCL). Single-phase adiabatic logic circuit is also introduced. Results show that the proposed technique has power savings of 67.14 %, 39.47 %, 34.65 %, 8.73 %, and 4.16 % for CMOS, QSERL, 2PADCL, ADCL, and 2PASCL respectively with MOSFET technology whereas, it saves 95.22 %, 21.34 %, 20.75 %, 15.66 %, and 8.69 % respectively for same literatures with FinFET technology.

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