
Straddling walls between cultures, squirming within cisheteronormative societies, we may hesitate about taking our stories to those who often hurt us. Academia has provided one outlet for such stories, but what is the point of being critical scholars if we cannot take our critique beyond the academic walls? In 2018, I began my research with Polish LGBTQs in the UK about their identities, migration experiences, and social media use. I received 767 survey responses and conducted 30 face-to-face interviews with a diverse group of LGBTQs (Szulc, 2019b). The research felt personal, as I too had left my hometown, a small city in central Poland, to migrate for studies, work, and love: from Bełchatów to Kraków to İstanbul to Leuven to Antwerpen to London to Sheffield and, most recently, to Manchester. Telling the stories of my participants felt a bit like telling my own story. But our stories also...

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