
Focused Clinical Question: What are the important factors contributing to the success of computed tomography (CT)–guided implantology, and how might this technology best be incorporated into practice?Summary: CT‐guided implantology has provided an opportunity to more completely assess and plan the surgical placement of dental implants. This technology allows viewing of both anatomic and prosthetic information preoperatively in an interactive format. A precise plan can be developed and transferred to the surgery with a computer‐generated surgical template. In addition, it facilitates preoperative collaboration among the restoring dentist, laboratory technologist, surgeon, and patient that establishes treatment goals and expectations. There are several types of guides that may be used in CT‐guided implantology, with each having different levels of guidance. A logical and progressive approach to implementing CT‐guided technology in practice involves a gradual increase in complexity while minimizing risk during the learning curve. Each case can be evaluated, planned, and suited to the patient's needs, as well as the clinician's preference, experience, and risk tolerance.Conclusions: Incorporating technological advances, such as CT‐guided implantology, into clinical practice requires cooperative and collaborative input of all those responsible for patient care. Each clinician must determine the most appropriate diagnostic approach for a given situation. Success in CT interpretation and guided surgery execution is proportional to experience and detail in planning. This paper provides some guidelines and options to incorporate such technology into practice and suggests a logical and progressive approach to ensure success.

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