
This paper presents a benchmark for evaluating the raster to vector conversion systems. The benchmark is designed for evaluating the performance of graphics recognition systems on images that contain polygons (solid) within the images. Our contribution is two-fold, an object mapping algorithm to spatially locate errors within the drawing and then a cycle graph matching distance that indicates the accuracy of the polygonal approximation. The performance incorporates many aspects and factors based on uniform units while the method remains non-rigid (thresholdless). This benchmark gives a scientific comparison at polygon level of coherency and uses practical performance evaluation methods that can be applied to complete polygonization systems. A system dedicated to cadastral map vectorization was evaluated under this benchmark and its performance results are presented in this paper. By stress testing a given system, we demonstrate that our protocol can reveal strengths and weaknesses of a system. The behavior of our set of indices was analyzed when increasing image degradation. We hope that this benchmark will help assessing the state of the art in graphics recognition and current vectorization technologies.

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