
Treatment of primary teeth or permanent teeth in children presents a challenge to the clinician. In today’s time, dental caries found to be the most common oral disease affecting the oral cavity of the children’s. And most of the cases of dental caries when not treated in the initial time leads to inflammation of the pulp and once the pulp got inflamed, patient presents with pain, at that time only option left for the dentist is removal of the inflamed pulp from the pulp chambers and then fill the root canals with obturating materials and form the apical seal, so that there will be no communication of the tooth with the external environment. Pulp pathologies when not treated on time, might leads to problem which is known as malocclusion of the teeth. Pulp treatment in children/or in primary teeth are different as compared to the permanent teeth, and simultaneously the obturating materials for the primary teeth are also different as compared to the obturating materials for the permanent teeth. It has been found that adequate cleaning of the canal and irrigation of the canal is quite difficult in primary teeth due to the complex anatomy of the root canal morphology. There are different materials which can be used as an obturating materials for the primary teeth for example zinc oxide eugenol material, has been into the use since long time as an obturating material of choice in the primary teeth, and also zinc oxide eugenol material can not considered as an ideal root canal filling material as this obturating material shows very much little anti-microbial action and this material also shows slower rate of resorption.

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