
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is a particle accelerator scientific program, under the control of Brookhaven National Nuclear Laboratories (BNL), New York, USA. It is used to understand the aspects of particle, nuclear physics, and quantum theory. It helps the researchers to understand Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) at quantum scale for the quarks which are hadron particles giving a better understanding of their properties. This experiment uses highly advanced computational electronics in order to analyze the data which is gathered by the detectors. It has 4 main detectors namely STAR, PHENIX, PHOBOS, BRAHMS. These detectors are used to detect the particle collisions in accelerator rings which are excited by the use of the LINAAC and AGS and Electron Beam Ion Source. The ion collision or the particle collision plays a major role in the understanding of the scenario at that time of interaction between the particles with proper analysis being done.

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