
This article aims to address the main aspects of Law 12.654/2012, which amended the Brazilian Criminal Execution Law to introduce art. 9-A, for the creation of a criminal genetic profile bank in the country for perpetrators convicted of more serious crimes, expressly listed by the Law. In addition, it updates the main changes made by the so-called "Anti-Crime Package" (Law 13964/2019) in this same matter, given the overthrow of the presidential vetoes to the package and the introduction of several new paragraphs in art. 9-A of the LEP. Parallel to this presentation, the article makes a critical analysis of the creation of this database of criminal genetic profiles in Brazil, in light of the democratic rule of law in force, highlighting the infringement of the principle of human dignity by a compulsory measure violating the rights of personality that makes the convict a kind of “transparent man”.

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