
Many guitar scores of rock or pop music arranged in jazz style are available all over the world. The amount of software for arranging given sequence of chord names and books of arrangement in jazz style has been growing for these past decades. Using this software, even amateur guitarists can play their favorite tunes in jazz style without knowledge of jazz theory. Most of these software systems, however, do not take musical appropriateness into account. So, sounds of chord-form sequence output by these software systems often mismatch the input melody. Proposed here is a system that generates a chord-form sequence in jazz style for a given set of melody and chord-name sequence. The system analyzes an input set of given melody and chord-name sequence based on jazz theory, and yields the chord-form sequence considering the melody line. It is confirmed that the chord-form sequence yielded by this system meets user requirements and is more preferable than that by software systems on the market. [Work supported by Academic Frontier Project, Doshisha Univ., Knowledge Cluster Project, MEXT, Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (No.16700154), MEXT, HRC, Ryukoku Univ.]

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