
Salvador was the capital of the Portuguese America from 1549 until 1763. It was also the second city of the Portuguese Empire up to the 19th century. The Catholic Church together with the State was the main agents that structured the city of Salvador during the whole colonial period. The Secular Church related to the State through the Padroado was responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the Cathedral, churches and parishes; the religious orders with their convents were important structural elements of the urban space while the laic orders owned churches and many urban properties and corresponded to the structuring of a slave society.


  • Salvador was the capital of the Portuguese America

  • the main agents that structured the city of Salvador during the whole colonial period

  • The Secular Church related to the State through the Padroado was responsible for the implementation

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O primeiro convento feminino do Brasil foi iniciado em 1665 no Desterro, leste da cidade, e foi fundado em 1677 pelas irmãs franciscanas clarissas portuguesas, com financiamento dos senhores de engenho, para hospedar suas filhas, que antes eram enviadas a Portugal183. PAElDdRinOeidDeEAAlvLeMs dEeIDOAlivVeAiraSCONCEL OS Simone Cabral Marinho dos Santos ra de São Francisco também era bem-conceituada: entre seus membros, no período, ela contou com os governadores, proprietários de terras, financista, assim como importantes comerciantes237, um dos quais deu início a construção da igreja238. O Estado financiava a igreja secular, tendo em vista a instituição do Padroado, sobretudo através de subvenções às igrejas matrizes, mas também financiava e ajudava as ordens religiosas, sobretudo com os redízimos para a ordem dos jesuítas.

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