
The use of social media is becoming increasingly important in our day-to-day activities. Platforms for social media are utilised on a daily basis, and it has been seen that young adults make regular use of social media, even while they are in the midst of an emergency scenario. For the purpose of communication, individuals, businesses, and governments all make use of various social media platforms. Through their efforts to establish communication with their loved ones who are residing in regions that have been impacted by disasters, a great number of people are demonstrating their profound concern for the well-being of those individuals. The individuals are looking for a variety of necessities, including food, help, pharmaceuticals, lodging, transportation, and other necessities. It is possible for telecommunication networks to experience a breakdown or become incapable of adequately accommodating a sudden spike in the number of users attempting to connect to the network during times of crisis. There is a widespread use of short messaging service (SMS) mobile text messages in the modern communication landscape. Platforms for social media websites that are accessible online have the potential to effectively regulate the flow of communication. The existence of social media networks that are technologically scalable makes it possible for this to be a feasible option. The usage of a platform that enables communication in both directions has the potential to outperform the efficiency of conventional channels that only transmit information in one direction, such as radio and television, when it comes to crisis situations. The proliferation of network technologies has resulted in an increased emphasis on the examination of the features of network components, the mitigation of the affects of these components, and the rapid restoration of operations in the event of disasters. It is possible to improve the efficiency, dependability, and participatory nature of emergency communication by making use of various social media platforms. Consequently, it is possible to make the observation that crises have become an integral part of the ecosystem of social media in the modern day.

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