
The article is devoted to the analysis of gratitude as a speech genre of ritual political communication. The purpose of the article – to analyze the genre features of gratitude as a kind of political text; which envisaged the formulation of such tasks: to define the concept of the speech genre and to outline the degree of his study in linguistics; to consider the specifics of ritual speech genres of political communication; to analyze the speech genre of gratitude in the Ukrainian ritual political discourse. Object of research – ritual displays of Ukrainian political discourse; subject - a speech genre of gratitude in the Ukrainian political discourse. The main issues of the theory of speech genres are considered, the views on the typology of Ukrainian ritual speech genres in political discourse are presented and the genre of gratitude is described. The genre and language specificity of gratitude in Ukrainian political discourse is compared with other ritual genres. The language genre is a communicative phenomenon, the type of organization of discourse, which involves a specific pragmatic method of the speaker, the selection of special expressions and lexical means, the expression of the individual picture of the world. For political communication, such speech genres are characteristic: greetings, festive treatment, gratitude, obituary and compassion, inaugural speech. Gratitude is the language genre of etiquette communication, it is not related to the political ritual directly, it specifies the contribution of the addressee to political life, has a specific addressee, and at the formal level is a dialogic written communication. For a particular implementation, political greetings are designed not only for the immediate addressee, but also for the target audience, the audience, therefore, perform the image function.

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